Friday, 30 March 2012

Early autumn, my place

Weeding out my vege plot and the remains of my cherry tomatoes which grew in abundance this summer. The plot  is behind the garden shed....lots of  hard yakka ahead of me here!

The weather here has been perfect, sunny days and warm autumn sunshine. If only it was autumn all year round,  it is my favourite season!

Oh, and speaking of sunshine, thank you to  lovely Jess for my little sunshine are sweet!!!


Meine Dinge Franka said...

I enjoy spring, although it's very cold today!

Have a lovely weekend!
♥ Franka

Cat said...

your automn looks like our spring! enjoy it! I'm coming back from Venezia where summer was already here! no more seasons today!

Pet said...

This must be nearly like living in the countryside, if it weren't for the sophisticated graffiti around :-)
It is nice to follow your blog, now you starting autumn while we start spring at the other side of the world. It is a bit like being all the time in the places you've been but never able to meet in the same place at the same time.

deux chiens et un garcon said...

lovely lovely light. Thank goodness for Autumn.

Judith said...

Franka, hope you enjoyed your weekend too and that there was some warmth in your spring days! x

Cat,you have been to Venezia? Lucky, lucky! Glad you enjoyed some warmth there! x

Pet, Have you been to Australia? It's nice to share our seasons from opposite sides of the world, even if unfortunately we can't share a cup of tea! x

Jill, What a lovely surprise to find your comment here! I feel like an old friend has dropped by..thank you for visiting! x

hello milky said...

It has been lovely the last few days. beautiful pictures. xx