Friday, 9 March 2012

Canadian Bay


Today was a lovely warm Friday so I went for a walk along my local beach , Canadian Bay.
Even though we are now in Autumn (my favourite season) and the weather is changing, there is still plenty of warmth in our sun to enjoy.


hello milky said...

OOOH lucky you. Perfect arvo for it today too. Next time I'm down?... x

Judith said...

For sure ! :) It was perfect and so,so quiet.. x

Meine Dinge Franka said...

W O N D E R F U L !!!

♥ Franka

Nell said...

Oh how i'd love to be walking along the beach in the sun right now. Pretty pictures xx

Pet said...

I do walk a lot along my beaches too.
Oh, I wish I was there!

Cat said...

what a wonderful sky!

federica said...

Lovely place and lovely photos, too! Have a nice week end F.